a college portfolio by Kyle Pickle


This is my website! (that I made from scratch!)
Thanks for visiting! Feel free to check out my projects.


I started college in September of 2020 as a Computer Science & Engineering major at University of California, Davis, and plan on graduating in or before June of 2024. I am familiar with Java, Python, C#, C++, HTML5/CSS, basic JavaScript, and the Linux command line, as well as tools like Microsoft Office, Autodesk, Adobe, and Unity. If you are recruiting and wish to know more about my transcript, extracirriculars, and/or previous work experience, please reach out to me and I would be happy to share my resume.



A revamp of UC Davis Campus Ready's Daily Symptom Survey badge system, intended to be less prone to tampered survey results. It is a Python package with extensive documentation and examples designed to be simple yet developer-friendly.

It completed over the course of 24 hours and submitted as part of the HackDavis2022 hackathon.

Arboretum Gallerium

An interactive map for learning from and navigating in the UC Davis Arboretum, with useful information about COVID-19, local wildlife, biodiversity, and more.

This project was made over the course of 36 hours for the UC Davis HackDavis2021 hackathon. It won the "Best Health Hack" award for helping connect people with the outside world while coping with social distancing.

Active Projects

Wizards vs Robots

I started this Unity project at the start of 2021, and have successfully developed it into a (mostly) functional Multiplayer videogame. Working on this entire project on my own has definitely slowed my progress, but it's been exciting to learn about all of the important aspects that go into a finished product.

While the game is technically finished for now, there is still room for improvement. My plan for 2022 is to move it to mobile devices and create a server-hosted matchmaking system, as well as add more content like AI-controlled robots and new and improved items and bugfixes.

Unfortunately Unity MLAPI currently does not support WebGL but you can find the download page here (the password is "boop"). Otherwise, click the button below to check out the old demo!


Minecraft has played a huge role in my interest in both programming and game development, and I am always working on new projects to share with the community. I've assembled a portfolio with which to apply for the Minecraft Partner Program.

Click the link to see more!

