a college portfolio by Kyle Pickle

Wizards vs Robots


-Move with WASD, and zoom in/out with the scroll wheel
-Point the wand with your mouse, and click to shoot a spell
-Use the number keys 1-5 (or click) to switch between items
-Click on the the gear button to open the settings menu
-In the shop, click an option to select it and click "Buy" to buy it
-Click the reset button to go back to the title screen

Known Bugs

-if you lag enough you can phase through anything
-some spell scrolls (very rarely) dont dissapear when you use them
-I spelled "brief" wrong...
-the game is starting to get noticibly laggy for WebGL :/

More Info

I started this Unity project at the start of 2021, and my goal is to have the final project finished and hopefully published by the end of the year. This is my first full-fledged Unity game, and I've been having a lot of fun working on it.

As this is a solo project, I've been making all of the graphics, code, sounds, rules, etc. by myself. This has definitely slowed my progress, but it's been exciting to learn about all of the important aspects that go into a finished product.

There is still much do before the game is finished. My end goal is a fast-paced online multiplayer game for people to make lobbies and play with their friends. I'm also really interested in the idea of making customizable spells and abilities to make the game even more unique and enjoyable.


v0.5 (current): Added teleport scroll, new sounds, nicer main menu, settings menu, capitalism, and a legal tile detection system (patent pending).

v0.4 Made a new and more interesting map. Added two new spells (heal and fireball), a functional inventory and minimap, and crystals (control points) that make the game winnable.

v0.3 Restructured the entire project to be more object-oriented. Added a title screen, custom sound effects, not so custom music, more particle effects, mortality, and a reset button.

v0.2 Improvements to collisions, added enemies/textures/particles, and basic GUI and particle usage.

v0.1 The first playable version. Player is able to move and cast (harmless) spells on a simple map that shows off the textures made for the game.